If you only have a short window to spare for a workout, try this challenging 20-minute treadmill routine. Beyond switching up the speed every two minutes, you'll also be changing the incline, which challenges the body to work even harder. Even after this short cardio session, you'll feel light, energized, and ready to power through the rest of your day. Source
Friday, July 31, 2015
how to make sure you're getting the best workout before, during, and after exercise #fitness
The universal truth is that we all want to get the most out of our workouts. If we’ve made the effort to drag ourselves to a gym/yoga studio/spin class and managed to survive, you can bet that we want to make sure we’ve done everything we can, and that we want to avoid pre and post-workout mistakes to get the best results. We all know how important it is to eat before exercising, wear the appropriate clothing and hydrate to the point of excess, but it turns out there are certain post-workout behaviors that are important, too. Source
learn how to grow long hair faster!
About 4 years ago, while I was staring at my reflection in the mirror at work, I decided I was sick of my medium-length, boringly straight hair, and while I was driving home that evening, I stopped at the first hair salon I could find and asked them to cut bangs for me.
Which proved to be one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made in my adult life. Source
Best Movies For Your Bra Bulge!
Getting rid of that pesky fat around your bra line is much easier said than done, but you can do it! Follow along with our CEO and founder Brooke Griffin for five moves to banish the bra bulge once and for all! You’ll need a stability ball, a Pilates power ring (or squishy ball if you don’t have one) and a pair of dumbbells. Let’s get started!
Want more? Click here to check out our video page!
I’m not exactly sure when my undying hatred for stubbly legs began, but since my teenage years I’ve been a super-tickler for clean-shaven legs. And now that short-shorts and dresses are in daily rotation and poolside sessions are popping up on my weekly calendar, I thought it would be a good time to share some of my favorite drugstore discoveries for achieving soft, sheeny, prickle-free legs. Source
The 5 Yoga Poses You Should Do Every Morning
Morning time: The birds are singing, you haven’t checked your e-mail yet, and you have a moment of peace before the day attacks. This is your opportunity to start the day off right. Like the common belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, your morning exercise routine is one of the most important things you can do to prepare for your to do list and feel great all day. What’s a great way to get centered and wake up? Yoga. Source
STRESS9 Morning Exercises to Start the Day Stress Free
Are you feeding your mind in the morning? (That jolt of coffee doesn't count because that's just artificial stimulation.) Exercise increases the birth and development of new nerve cells in your brain—the very components of your brain that slow down and even die because of stress. A recent study shows that people who don't exercise much exhibit greater stress-related atrophy of the hippocampal area of the brain compared with those who are more physically active. You want to keep the stressors down because the hippocampus affects long- and short-term memory along with a myriad of other important functions. Source
Best yoga moves to blast that muffin top!
Maybe you know the feeling… you go to put on a fabulous pair of pants and there it is — a little extra “you” poking out around the waistband. It happens! But here is an effective series of yoga postures that can help melt the fat and tone the muscles of your core. Break out your yoga mat and follow these eight moves for a seamless flow that is sure to rid you of that muffin top for good! Source
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
8 tricks to help you get back into a regular exercise routine
I don’t know about you, but I have been SERIOUSLY slacking with my exercise routine lately.
It started about a week before my father-in-law saw me naked over the Christmas holidays, it got worse while I was slaving over the redesign of my blog, and it’s been spiraling out of control ever since.
And then this morning I made the fatal mistake of putting in my contacts BEFORE I had my shower, caught a glimpse of myself in our full-length mirror as I was toweling myself off, and had the shock of my life.
What the heck happened to me??!
The thing is, I’ve never been an overly big girl, but when I slack off my exercise routine for more than a couple of weeks, I immediately start seeing dimples in places I really shouldn’t be seeing dimples.
And then I started to feel depressed
7 real ways to like your body more
If there’s one thing that’s become clear to me over the last few years, it’s this: Nearly every woman I meet, work with, or assume is perfect probably struggles with her body image. No, we don’t all have eating disorders or even disordered eating habits. But, unfortunately, every woman I’ve ever taken the time to ask has admitted she has an issue with at least one part of her body, face, or appearance.
Habits of Highly Effective Exercisers
At some point in my mid-twenties, I recognized that exercise would always be an integral part of my life. I had been consistently working out for years and enjoyed the physiological and psychological benefits of my fitness routine. I couldn’t imagine my life without it, and I knew that despite life’s ever-changing circumstances, fitness would always be a priority for me. I had become what I call a ”highly effective exerciser,” or a Lifetime Effective Exerciser (LTEE).
Tea-tox for weight loss
I'll perform a much needed, intensive cleanse of your digestive system to help achieve the results you want. I'll leave you feeling energised and motivated to reach your goals.
Skip the crunches with this 5-minute ab workout video. All the moves are done standing so its incredibly effective!
Whether you're sporting a bikini or donning a crop top, toned abs will help you rock your look. This five-minute workout helps tighten your middle while also sculpting definition. Best of all, the moves are all done standing — no crunches needed! Press play, grab a set of weights, and get ready to tone.
9 Effective Ways To Increase Your Stamina For Running
Yes, you’ve heard of all the amazing things a good run can do for you. But only after a few minutes it leaves you panting and groaning as if you are going to die any minute. So, you decide running is not your thing and cross it out from your to-do list. Is it the scenario? Does it describe your relationship with running?
Read more about : 9 Tips To Improve
Our Top 10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt
The difference between buns of steel and buns of, well, pants are these 10 bum-blasting exercises. We tried 'em — now it's your turn. Get moving!
Read more about : Our Top 10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt
12 Best Yoga For WeightLoss
Lie on your floor covering as well as draw your knees to your breast. Location hands on beyond feet, opening your knees larger compared to your torso. Press your feet right into hands while taking down walking, producing resistance. Take a breath deeply; hold for at the very least 30 seconds.
Top 10 foods that burn belly fat
Tummy fat is not only annoying, but is also one of the most difficult forms of fat to get rid of. It forms between the organs, deep within the abdominal cavity, triggering chronic inflammation and increasing the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Lower belly fat is mainly caused due to sedentary lifestyle and consumption of high fat and sugary foods. Genetics, structure and age also determine the pattern of fat accumulation in the body.
More Tricks On 10 Simple Tips To Reduce Lower Belly Fat
Monday, July 27, 2015
25 Motivating 30-Day Fitness Challenges
You can do anything for 30 days, right? I’ve talked a lot lately about how I eat, but not too much about what I do. I thought I’d share some of my favorite 30 Day fitness challenges with you. They’re easy and fun to do, and if you notice that one works particularly well for you, do it again!
30-Day Fitness Challenges
1. 30-Day Plank Challenge from Fitness Fashionista
2. My Body is Bendy Challenge from Sweat Like a Girl
3. Amazing Arms and Abs Challenge from Domestic Diva in Training
4. Crunches, Pushups, Squats and Lunges 30-Day Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain
5. Kick Ass Challenge from Shrinking Jeans
6. 30-Day Little Black Dress Challenge from 30 Day Fitness Challenges
7. Rock Your Core Challenge from Femme Fitale
8. Plank and Squat Challenge from Eat Pray Run DC
9. 30 Day Crunch Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain
10. 30-Day Fitness Challenge for Moms from 3 Boys and a Dog
11. 30-Day Exercise-a-Day Challenge from Fit Body Full Life
12. 30 Day Crossfit Challenge from Alexa Jean Brown
13. 30-Day Thigh Challenge from Shrinking Jeans
14. From Walking to Running 30 Day Program from DareBee
15. My Booty is the Bomb 30 Day Challenge from Sweat Like a Girl
16. 30-Day Leglift Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain
17. Healthy Heart Challenge from Sweat Like a Girl
18. 30-Day Squat Challenge from Athleta
19. 30-Day Flat Abs from Blogilates
20. 30-Day Push Up Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain
21. Lose the Love Handles Challenge from Shrinking Jeans
22. My Dancing is Dope Challenge from Sweat Like a Girl
23. Beach Body in 30 Days from Madame Deals
24. 30 Day Yoga Challenge from Fitness With Jamie
25. 30-Day Lunge Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain
What’s your favorite 31 Day Fitness Challenge? via
Here’s How to Tone Your Arms Without Weights
It is a truth universally acknowledged: we all want toned, beautiful arms. But actually getting them? That’s another story. Sometimes you just don’t want to drag your tired body all the way to gym to stand in front of a weight rack, worrying that you’re going to drop something or pull a crucial muscle. Fortunately, you can totally get a great arm workout (and therefore sexy arms) at home without touching a single heavy object; we consulted Jasmine Graham, founder of PaceforSuccess.com and owner of the boutique gym Fit Factory NYC for her very best workouts. Here’s how to tone your arms—without weights. | via
How to seriously lose 50 pounds fast in 5 months and maybe 3-to-5 months if you follow the workout guide. You can also use the weight loss diet to eat whatever you want and whenever you want.
How to seriously lose 50 pounds fast in 5 months and maybe 3-to-5 months if you follow the workout guide. You can also use the weight loss diet to eat whatever you want and whenever you want. | via
Instantly Open Tight Hips With These 8 Stretches
Tight hips seem to be a common problem for almost everybody — from runners to cyclists, from deskbound bloggers to dancers. Give this area a little extra love with this sequence of eight hip-opening stretches to increase your flexibility, reduce discomfort, and prevent injury. Try the series in the order listed here, or pick your favorites to incorporate into your workout routine. | via
70 Yoga Poses to Tone, Strengthen and Detox Your Body
Performing yoga not only helps tighten your muscles, but it also increases your energy levels, strengthens your body, increases your flexibility, and helps get rid of all the extra jiggle. Luckily, our friends at Popsugar Fitness have a collection of different yoga positions and poses that can help you tighten your tummy, tone your thighs, sculpt your arms and legs, and detox your body. Trust us, you’ll be feeling the burn while finding a fun new way to tone and tighten. Grab your mat, turn on this fab zen and flow playlist, and get to work! via
A Must-Read If You Aren't Reaching Your Weight-Loss Goal
If you're no stranger to the struggles of trying to lose weight, the solution might be a few tweaks to your regimen. We enlisted the expertise of three nutritionists — Stephanie Clarke, RD, and Willow Jarosh, RD, of C&J Nutrition, as well as Mitzi Dulan, RD, author of The Pinterest Diet: How to Pin Your Way Thin and CLIF Bar nutrition partner. Check out what they say are the biggest mistakes most people make when trying to slim down. | via
Abs That Rock in Just 10 Minutes a Day
I’ll be perfectly honest with you, I have never been one to think about my booty. I know, you don’t believe me because I’m a girl and that’s what girls do, they worry about their body. But honestly, I just never really cared all that much about it. And then I started doing Title Boxing and Cardio Barre and one day I noticed that my pants fit different in back. And that was only the beginning, it has changed quite a bit since doing these 3 moves so I’m happy to share with you how to lift and tone your booty! And if you haven’t already checked out our 6 moves for thighs like a dancer, you definitely should get on that because holy moly they work! Your buns will burn but keep your goal in mind and power through!!! So let’s start this but workout. | via
Workouts to Slim Down Your Neck and Face? #Skin_Care
Many individuals exercise every day but forget one important body area -- the face and neck. Exercising your chin tones the muscles of your lower face, your jawline and your neck for a more youthful appearance. Exercise the muscles of your lower face and chin on a daily basis and you may benefit from the natural facelift results that you could begin to see in a matter of weeks. | via
Friday, July 24, 2015
5 Secret Ingredients to Arm Balance Postures
Well yogi friends, I have a secret… we CAN fly! We can float freely just like birds do. We can lift off, soar above, and gently land. It’s called arm balances.
In the yoga world, flying can mean all sorts of things from crow pose to handstand to floating back to chaturanga dandasana. For the purpose of this conversation, let’s stick to true arm balances, meaning we use our arms to balance on them. Who would’ve thought! via
This workout combines moves for a more effective burn!
Specifically designed to attack one muscle group with multiple exercises, supersets are performed back-to-back without rest. The idea is to fatigue the muscles in a one-two punch, then recover as fully as possible. Usually supersets are completed with a barbell or heavy dumbbells, but you can do them with anything or nothing at all. For each superset below, complete both exercises twice through, then move onto the next set if you want to. | via
The different activities you can take part in are ranked by efficiency of burning calories.
Here is a collection of all of the different things you can do and how long it would take you to lose one pound of fat by doing them. To lose one pound of fat you need to make sure that you burn at least 3500 calories. The different activities you can take part in are ranked by efficiency of burning calories. Spread the minutes of exercising over a number of days or weeks and you will lose weight as long as you are not eating more calories than you should. Try to choose a type of exercise that you enjoy doing and make it a part of your regular routine. Mix and match exercises if you like to keep your routine fresh! via
5 yoga mistakes you're making
Even though it’s been around for centuries, yoga is still one of the biggest workout trends and has thousands of Lululemon-clad devotees hitting the mat every day. Once you start going to class a few times a week, you get into a rhythm, enjoying the consistent class structure and the workout you’re supposedly getting out of it without going anywhere near a treadmill or free weights. Just breathe, and you’ll be toned, lean, and zen, right? | via
3 Tips to Stick Balancing Poses
So you want to fly like a bird? Well, don’t we all. As young children, the idea of flying fascinates us, and even as adults, it’s still bewildering and desirable. The ability to gracefully lift off the ground, soar above the clouds, and then gently land is one that we would all love to have in our back pocket. | via
9 Amazing Benefits Of Meditation For Leading A Healthy Life
Meditation is a popular and powerful way to control your mind. It helps you discipline yourself. It not only heals you physically, but also provides emotional and mental satisfaction. Most people who meditate everyday have claimed that meditation makes them stress-free and calm. If you make it a point to meditate for 30 minutes every day, it will make you feel refreshed and joyful. The deeper you relax and meditate, the better you will perform your daily activities. The calm smile of the Buddha tells you a thing or two about the peace you can get through meditation. | via
6 Yoga Breathing Techniques For Weight Loss
Weight loss is the new rage throughout the world. Eat less, gym more; health food, dieting, aerobics, yoga, dance, pilates and what not just to cut down those extra kilos? Why guys? Why do you have to do so much when some breathing techniques can help you slim down? Unbelievable, isn’t it? It was unbelievable for me too when I had read the article. But then I thought there’s no harm in trying so why not give it a try? And trust me girls, it works. Unlike gymming and hard core workouts that give you muscle cramps and body pains, these breathing exercises are easy ad painless techniques to lose weight easily. | via
10 Best Yoga Apps For IPhone And Android To Practice Yoga
Yoga is one of the most sought after exercise cum de-stressing formulas across the world. Yet, getting into that Cobra or Cow Pose need not always mean shelling out your money. Thanks to the countless yoga apps for iOS and Android devices. Yoga lovers can now enjoy their session at a virtual yoga studio. Along with offering assorted sequences, in-depth details about various asanas, and music to aid your meditation, various apps allow you to create tailor-made sessions to meet your needs. | via
How to Lose Those Last 5 Pounds
In the beginning of a weight-loss journey, pounds melt away like ice cream on a hot Summer's day. But as you get closer to your goal, it's not unusual to hit a plateau. Here's how to keep those pounds dropping and keep the weight off for good. | via
How To Get A Smaller Waist In Just A Week?
Do you want to achieve that hourglass figure just like your favourite actress? Has a slim waist been your dream, and do you often feel it is something impossible to achieve? Well, this post gives you those superb tips that can help you get a smaller waist; and that too within a week!
Read more about : Smaller Waist In Just A Week
Sunday, July 19, 2015
This is why you're not seeing results in the gym.
You slave away at the gym nearly every day, huffing and puffing through your five-mile run, your spin class, or your favorite bootcamp routine, and yet nothing is happening. You are not losing weight, you are not gaining muscle, and you look no different than when you started exercising. What do you do? You could give up, but that would certainly yield no results at all. The better way to go is to sit down and really look at what you are doing (or not doing) and make adjustments. via
6 Foods That Help You Build Muscle, Because Nutrition And Exercise Go Hand In Hand
When trying to build muscle and tone your body, working out is just half the battle. On top of your daily squats and bicycle crunches, you also need to make sure you’re eating the right foods. After you exercise, your muscles need the right balance of nutrients to build themselves up.
“The best food is one taken with 30 minutes of exhaustive exercise, preferably containing a readily digested and absorbed carbohydrate and protein,” says Dr. Robert Huizenga. | via
7 Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast
Every woman hates to have cellulite! Those hideous looking fat deposits attack those points that are clearly visible –thighs, hips, and lower abs. However, there are women who have cellulite in their arms as well. Is there an effective, yet quick way to get rid of the cellulite? The answer is definitely a big YES! Before guiding you through the 7 techniques to get rid of cellulite quickly, let’s understand what causes cellulite in the first place. via
Thigh Workout For Women: Top Exercises For Thinner Thighs
Your thighs are just one of the many parts of the body that you probably want to shape up. Yup, I’m sure you want them to look sexier and or just simply to be able to wear the right size pants. Let’s face it, the pants available at your popular clothing line aren’t really tailored for people with thick thighs. While those who lift weights often get their pants customized for them, and don’t mind this minor inconvenience at all, there are still a lot of women today who would rather just buy and wear without having to worry about the cloth ripping in two. via
10 Really Silly Mistakes To Avoid At the Gym
Walk into the gym and you’re likely to see women using form or doing exercises that will make you cringe. But these obvious errors are just two of many possible ways you can screw yourself in the gym. With so many pieces of equipment to choose from, it’s hard to set up a proper routine—let alone get the warm-up and all of the other components right. Although some of these mishaps may be minor, they can actually lead to huge setbacks in terms of gains. via
11 Best Foods For A Flat Belly
Looking for a flat belly to accompany your bikini this summer? Eating the right foods will play a big part in achieving that flat (6-pack if you want) belly. See below for the 11 best food that will speed up your transformation from flab to fit – they’ll help you fight fat and build lean muscles.
Read more about : 11 Best Foods For A Flat Belly
25 Ways To Improve Your Time At The Gym
In some distant, parallel universe, the laws of responsibility are reversed. Work is something you do in your spare time. Working out, on the other hand, is an essential life task – something to which you devote countless hours to survive in society. In this bold, fitness-driven world, your benefits include being strong, looking fantastic and feeling even better. Life is good.
Reality check. No matter how much daydreaming you do, that alternate setting doesn’t exist. In this time and place, working out plays second fiddle to a number of obligations. via
This butt-workout will lift and tone your backside. And it's only 10-minutes!
Great ready to kick it into high gear with this workout, created by trainer Tracey Mallett, that will lift and tone your derriere. In 10 minutes, you will work the glutes from every angle to create a tight and shapely butt. Best of all, you don't need any equipment to work it. So toss out your Spanx, press play, and get ready to hit it! via
Yoga Use For Weight Loss
Gorgeous celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, who swear by the yoga lifestyle and can’t help but feel inspired. Yoga has always felt like a more relaxing, form of fitness, especially helpful when it comes to stress relief – but can it really help us to lose weight?
When it comes to yoga and weight loss, the style of yoga becomes an important factor, if the focus of the yoga practice is too restorative or meditative the muscular and cardiovascular requirements for weight loss and toning simply aren’t there, says Nick Bez, certified yoga instructor with LifePower Yoga at Life Time Fitness. That’s not to say you should seek the nearest yoga class and expect to walk out five pounds lighter though!
See More At: How to Use Yoga For Weight Loss
10 Everyday Secrets of Happy, Healthy Women
Ready to make space for some much needed balance in your world? Follow these simple and straightforward rules to cultivate the happy and healthy life you've always craved.
See More At The 10 Everyday Secrets of Happy, Healthy Women
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