Monday, July 27, 2015

Abs That Rock in Just 10 Minutes a Day

Abs That Rock in Just 10 Minutes a Day

I’ll be perfectly honest with you, I have never been one to think about my booty. I know, you don’t believe me because I’m a girl and that’s what girls do, they worry about their body. But honestly, I just never really cared all that much about it. And then I started doing Title Boxing and Cardio Barre and one day I noticed that my pants fit different in back. And that was only the beginning, it has changed quite a bit since doing these 3 moves so I’m happy to share with you how to lift and tone your booty! And if you haven’t already checked out our 6 moves for thighs like a dancer, you definitely should get on that because holy moly they work! Your buns will burn but keep your goal in mind and power through!!! So let’s start this but workout. | via

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