Friday, June 19, 2015

5 Ways to Get Rid of Anxiety (Without Medication)

5 Ways to Get Rid of Anxiety (Without Medication)

We all get a little anxious here and there, but sometimes that anxiety can become overwhelming. Whether you’re pushing to get through your coursework or your job is making your head spin, the constant worrying and stress can take a toll on your wellbeing. Constant anxiety can get in the way of everyday activities, from your diet, to your social life, and even your sleep habits.

In some cases, medication may be the right answer, but there could be variety of reasons why someone wouldn’t want to turn to pills. Taking medication can include unwanted side effects, chemical dependence, or even loss of everyday emotions. via

5 Effective Exercises For Teenagers To Lose Weight

5 Effective Exercises For Teenagers To Lose Weight

We live in the times of instant and packaged foods. A time where bakery food is new homemade food. While junk food tastes yummy and is quick to get, it shows serious negative effect on your child’s health. Often, the kid develops obesity. Obesity, in turn, leads to multiple health complications.

Self image is one of the biggest challenges that teens face today. In order to fit into a certain image, your young son or daughter might resolve to unhealthy options to lose weight or flaunt a desirable body type. There is no harm in wanting to lose weight. But it should be done in a healthy way!

If your teen lets fitness takes a backseat, it is just about time you did something. As a parent, it is your duty to introduce a good fitness regimen into your teen’s life. via

6 Cute Ways to Pin Back Your Bangs!

6 Cute Ways to Pin Back Your Bangs!

It seems that I’m always growing out my bangs. I’m constantly growing them, enjoying the long look for a while, then chopping them off again. What this really means is that I’m in a perpetual middle stage where I’m in need of a cute way to keep them tidy and out of my face . Here is a collection of looks that you can use whether you’re growing out your bangs, or just looking to pin back that fringe for a simple style change.

French Braid Bump
French braid, then push back toward your forehead to add a little volume once complete. I tried this one immediately after finding it, and I’m happy to report that it was easy, and really cute!

7 Yoga Poses for Common Health Woes

7 Yoga Poses for Common Health Woes

Next to bubble baths, a hardcore spin class, and naps, we know that yoga is a top stress buster. But besides helping us power through life’s annoyances, this ancient practice can also help curb other wellbeing woes like cramps, stomach issues, and lower back pain.

To find out which poses bring the biggest pain relief, we chatted with yoga instructor Dina Smirnova of Y7 Studio in Brooklyn. Next time you’re aching, hop off on the couch and onto the mat, and you’ll find comfort in no time.  via

2 weeks to an amazing core

2 weeks to an amazing core

For some women, the hardest area for them to tone seems to be their core. After a few weeks of strength training, you see definition in your biceps and triceps, or see firmer-looking legs, but at times you feel like no matter how hard you work your core, it just doesn’t look much different.

All you really need is to find a few exercise that really work your core muscles and to start seeing results! Here are 7 exercises that will help give you killer abs. via

12 Beauty Tips Every Woman Should Know

12 Beauty Tips Every Woman Should Know

You may hear a few of these tips often, but they are true! The more you hear something, the more likely it is that you will believe it–and start acting on it! Here are 15 Tips Every Woman Should Know:

  1. Sleep! It’s so important to get your beauty sleep; make sure you get in 8 hours a night!
  2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drinking water flushes out your system and promotes clearer skin!
  3. SPF! Always apply before stepping foot outside. Even when it’s cloudy you are getting sun damage.
  4. Silk! Sleep on silk pillowcases and sheets. They are super soft on your delicate skin and will not pull or tug.
  5. Sleep on Your Back to prevent wrinkling around your face, chest and neck.
  6. Visit your dermatologist at least once a year to get a full body skin check.
  7. During your shower remember to lift up your hair to make sure you rinse and cleanse your back to prevent breakouts.
  8. Get Active! Even if you do not have time for an hour session at the gym, take the stairs at work, sneak in a few lunges during your lunch break, or take a quick walk around the block.
  9. Laugh! The best medicine is laughter!
  10. Light a candle! Candles are not only for special occasions. When you get home, grab a glass of wine, throw on your fave pajama’s and light a candle!
  11. Don’t neglect your hands and feet. Apply a heavier body lotion every night before hitting your silk sheets. Remember to target areas like your elbows that can get dry and rough.
  12. Visit your dentist! Most people don’t realize, but the majority of health concerns stem from poor oral health. Schedule a check-up and whitening appointment to not only feel good, but look good too!

The 20 Secrets That Will Get You Flat Abs

The 20 Secrets That Will Get You Flat Abs

It may not be a secret that the best way to a six-pack is a healthy diet (even if it's no diet at all) and regular exercise, but there's a right way and a wrong way to a flat belly. Read on for the ultimate guide to getting flat abs. via

5 arm workouts to teach you how to look good in a tank top

If you love to wear tank tops, but hate the way your arms jiggle when they aren’t planted firmly by your sides, you will love love love these arm workouts. Not only will they teach you how to look good in a tank top, but they will also provide you with the right moves to get rid of arm fat and look like a Victoria’s Secret model by summer.
You’re welcome!!!

5 arm workouts to teach you how to look good in a tank top

10 Workout Motivation Tricks That Really Work

10 Workout Motivation Tricks That Really Work

When it comes to fitness, though it’s easy to start off strong, it’s even easier to slowly fall off the workout wagon. All it takes is one little excuse to derail your routine and stall your efforts. And with summer so close we can practically taste it, staying in shape is at the very top of our to do lists.

With that in mind, we enlisted help from two leading fitness experts: Rachel Buschert Vaziralli, New York City-based group fitness instructor and trainer and creator of F3 Face Fear Fitness, and Dean Pappous, Regional Senior Vice President of 24-Hour Fitness. Here, they share 10 tips on how to stay motivated—no matter what tempts you to drop the ball on your routine. via