Friday, July 31, 2015

A 20-Minute, Calorie-Burning Treadmill Workout

A 20-Minute, Calorie-Burning Treadmill Workout

If you only have a short window to spare for a workout, try this challenging 20-minute treadmill routine. Beyond switching up the speed every two minutes, you'll also be changing the incline, which challenges the body to work even harder. Even after this short cardio session, you'll feel light, energized, and ready to power through the rest of your day. Source

fitspo. love the pink nikes

 fitspo. love the pink nikes

 fitspo. love the pink nikes | Source

how to make sure you're getting the best workout before, during, and after exercise #fitness

how to make sure you're getting the best workout before, during, and after exercise #fitness

The universal truth is that we all want to get the most out of our workouts. If we’ve made the effort to drag ourselves to a gym/yoga studio/spin class and managed to survive, you can bet that we want to make sure we’ve done everything we can, and that we want to avoid pre and post-workout mistakes to get the best results. We all know how important it is to eat before exercising, wear the appropriate clothing and hydrate to the point of excess, but it turns out there are certain post-workout behaviors that are important, too. Source

learn how to grow long hair faster!

learn how to grow long hair faster!

About 4 years ago, while I was staring at my reflection in the mirror at work, I decided I was sick of my medium-length, boringly straight hair, and while I was driving home that evening, I stopped at the first hair salon I could find and asked them to cut bangs for me.
Which proved to be one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made in my adult life. Source

Best Movies For Your Bra Bulge!

Best Movies For Your Bra Bulge!

Getting rid of that pesky fat around your bra line is much easier said than done, but you can do it! Follow along with our CEO and founder Brooke Griffin for five moves to banish the bra bulge once and for all! You’ll need a stability ball, a Pilates power ring (or squishy ball if you don’t have one) and a pair of dumbbells. Let’s get started!



I’m not exactly sure when my undying hatred for stubbly legs began, but since my teenage years I’ve been a super-tickler for clean-shaven legs. And now that short-shorts and dresses are in daily rotation and poolside sessions are popping up on my weekly calendar, I thought it would be a good time to share some of my favorite drugstore discoveries for achieving soft, sheeny, prickle-free legs. Source

The 5 Yoga Poses You Should Do Every Morning

The 5 Yoga Poses You Should Do Every Morning

Morning time: The birds are singing, you haven’t checked your e-mail yet, and you have a moment of peace before the day attacks. This is your opportunity to start the day off right. Like the common belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, your morning exercise routine is one of the most important things you can do to prepare for your to do list and feel great all day. What’s a great way to get centered and wake up? Yoga. Source

28 Useful Home Remedies to Get Rid of Milk Spots

28 Useful Home Remedies to Get Rid of Milk Spots. Source

STRESS9 Morning Exercises to Start the Day Stress Free

STRESS9 Morning Exercises to Start the Day Stress Free

Are you feeding your mind in the morning? (That jolt of coffee doesn't count because that's just artificial stimulation.) Exercise increases the birth and development of new nerve cells in your brain—the very components of your brain that slow down and even die because of stress. A recent study shows that people who don't exercise much exhibit greater stress-related atrophy of the hippocampal area of the brain compared with those who are more physically active. You want to keep the stressors down because the hippocampus affects long- and short-term memory along with a myriad of other important functions. Source

Best yoga moves to blast that muffin top!

Best yoga moves to blast that muffin top!

Maybe you know the feeling… you go to put on a fabulous pair of pants and there it is — a little extra “you” poking out around the waistband. It happens! But here is an effective series of yoga postures that can help melt the fat and tone the muscles of your core. Break out your yoga mat and follow these eight moves for a seamless flow that is sure to rid you of that muffin top for good! Source