Monday, July 27, 2015

25 Motivating 30-Day Fitness Challenges

You can do anything for 30 days, right? I’ve talked a lot lately about how I eat, but not too much about what I do. I thought I’d share some of my favorite 30 Day fitness challenges with you. They’re easy and fun to do, and if you notice that one works particularly well for you, do it again!

25 Motivating 30-Day Fitness Challenges

30-Day Fitness Challenges

1. 30-Day Plank Challenge from Fitness Fashionista

2. My Body is Bendy Challenge from Sweat Like a Girl

3. Amazing Arms and Abs Challenge from Domestic Diva in Training

4. Crunches, Pushups, Squats and Lunges 30-Day Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain

5. Kick Ass Challenge from Shrinking Jeans

6. 30-Day Little Black Dress Challenge from 30 Day Fitness Challenges

7. Rock Your Core Challenge from Femme Fitale

8. Plank and Squat Challenge from Eat Pray Run DC

9. 30 Day Crunch Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain

10. 30-Day Fitness Challenge for Moms from 3 Boys and a Dog

11. 30-Day Exercise-a-Day Challenge from Fit Body Full Life

12. 30 Day Crossfit Challenge from Alexa Jean Brown

13. 30-Day Thigh Challenge from Shrinking Jeans

14. From Walking to Running 30 Day Program from DareBee

15. My Booty is the Bomb 30 Day Challenge from Sweat Like a Girl

16. 30-Day Leglift Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain

17. Healthy Heart Challenge from Sweat Like a Girl

18. 30-Day Squat Challenge from Athleta

19. 30-Day Flat Abs from Blogilates

20. 30-Day Push Up Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain

21. Lose the Love Handles Challenge from Shrinking Jeans

22. My Dancing is Dope Challenge from Sweat Like a Girl

23. Beach Body in 30 Days from Madame Deals

24. 30 Day Yoga Challenge from Fitness With Jamie

25. 30-Day Lunge Challenge from I’m Dancing in the Rain

What’s your favorite 31 Day Fitness Challenge? via

9 Best Breast Exercises..

9 Best Breast Exercises..

9 Best Breast Exercises.. | via

Here’s How to Tone Your Arms Without Weights

Here’s How to Tone Your Arms Without Weights

It is a truth universally acknowledged: we all want toned, beautiful arms. But actually getting them? That’s another story. Sometimes you just don’t want to drag your tired body all the way to gym to stand in front of a weight rack, worrying that you’re going to drop something or pull a crucial muscle. Fortunately, you can totally get a great arm workout (and therefore sexy arms) at home without touching a single heavy object; we consulted Jasmine Graham, founder of and owner of the boutique gym Fit Factory NYC for her very best workouts. Here’s how to tone your arms—without weights. | via

How to seriously lose 50 pounds fast in 5 months and maybe 3-to-5 months if you follow the workout guide. You can also use the weight loss diet to eat whatever you want and whenever you want.

How to seriously lose 50 pounds fast in 5 months and maybe 3-to-5 months if you follow the workout guide. You can also use the weight loss diet to eat whatever you want and whenever you want.

How to seriously lose 50 pounds fast in 5 months and maybe 3-to-5 months if you follow the workout guide. You can also use the weight loss diet to eat whatever you want and whenever you want. | via

Instantly Open Tight Hips With These 8 Stretches

Instantly Open Tight Hips With These 8 Stretches

Tight hips seem to be a common problem for almost everybody — from runners to cyclists, from deskbound bloggers to dancers. Give this area a little extra love with this sequence of eight hip-opening stretches to increase your flexibility, reduce discomfort, and prevent injury. Try the series in the order listed here, or pick your favorites to incorporate into your workout routine. | via

70 Yoga Poses to Tone, Strengthen and Detox Your Body

70 Yoga Poses to Tone, Strengthen and Detox Your Body

Performing yoga not only helps tighten your muscles, but it also increases your energy levels, strengthens your body, increases your flexibility, and helps get rid of all the extra jiggle. Luckily, our friends at Popsugar Fitness have a collection of different yoga positions and poses that can help you tighten your tummy, tone your thighs, sculpt your arms and legs, and detox your body. Trust us, you’ll be feeling the burn while finding a fun new way to tone and tighten. Grab your mat, turn on this fab zen and flow playlist, and get to work! via

4 types of squats for a great butt

4 types of squats for a great butt

4 types of squats for a great butt | via

A Must-Read If You Aren't Reaching Your Weight-Loss Goal

A Must-Read If You Aren't Reaching Your Weight-Loss Goal

If you're no stranger to the struggles of trying to lose weight, the solution might be a few tweaks to your regimen. We enlisted the expertise of three nutritionists — Stephanie Clarke, RD, and Willow Jarosh, RD, of C&J Nutrition, as well as Mitzi Dulan, RD, author of The Pinterest Diet: How to Pin Your Way Thin and CLIF Bar nutrition partner. Check out what they say are the biggest mistakes most people make when trying to slim down. | via

Abs That Rock in Just 10 Minutes a Day

Abs That Rock in Just 10 Minutes a Day

I’ll be perfectly honest with you, I have never been one to think about my booty. I know, you don’t believe me because I’m a girl and that’s what girls do, they worry about their body. But honestly, I just never really cared all that much about it. And then I started doing Title Boxing and Cardio Barre and one day I noticed that my pants fit different in back. And that was only the beginning, it has changed quite a bit since doing these 3 moves so I’m happy to share with you how to lift and tone your booty! And if you haven’t already checked out our 6 moves for thighs like a dancer, you definitely should get on that because holy moly they work! Your buns will burn but keep your goal in mind and power through!!! So let’s start this but workout. | via

Workouts to Slim Down Your Neck and Face? #Skin_Care

Workouts to Slim Down Your Neck and Face? #Skin_Care

Many individuals exercise every day but forget one important body area -- the face and neck. Exercising your chin tones the muscles of your lower face, your jawline and your neck for a more youthful appearance. Exercise the muscles of your lower face and chin on a daily basis and you may benefit from the natural facelift results that you could begin to see in a matter of weeks. | via