Tuesday, February 17, 2015

PINK FLOWERS - Pink Floral Bonded Sweatshirt and Tights with Hermes White Clutch and Pink Heels / Hello Fashion

PINK FLOWERS - Pink Floral Bonded Sweatshirt and Tights with Hermes White Clutch and Pink Heels / Hello Fashion

Blogger : Hello Fashion
Photo : Source

Hey guys! Hope you all had a nice long weekend. Feels so good to be home from New York! It was my first time away from B and I was going a little crazy with out him :)

I wore this to a Cynthia Rowley event on Friday. I actually switched out my coat last minute for this pink fur because I was freeezing! I didn’t pack the most “weather appropriate” to say the least! I’ve mentioned it before in previous outfits, but Cynthia Rowley’s bonded pieces are by far the most comfortable pieces I own. She has always been one of my favorite designers. The scuba like material feels like you are in sweats but they are structured enough to give your body the perfect form. I also picked up this dress (color: light pink) in New York and I’m obsessed. More to come from my trip later this week! Thanks for reading!

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