Saturday, August 30, 2014

Best Street Fashion Inspiration And Looks

Best Street Fashion Inspiration And Looks


In 1 week from today I’ll be making my way to NYC for fashion week and not only do I absolutely love NYFW, but September is officially my favorite month of the year. I always thought of myself as a warm weather girl {and still do}, but there is something so special about fall. I crave the changing colors of the leaves and the first feel of the cool fall breeze blowing through the city. New York is my favorite place to be in the fall. When I was in the big apple earlier this month {when these photos were snapped}, it may or may not have been a bit too warm to be sporting denim but my fall heart busted it out anyway. I found my new Express jeans pretty much glued to my legs! They are stretchy but fitted, distressed but not too destroyed and the perfect pair of jeans to wear year round.

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