Saturday, February 7, 2015

Stripes Jacket Top with Yellow Scarf ad Snakers And Skinny Tights in Black | Mi Aventura Con La Moda

Stripes Jacket Top with Yellow Scarf ad Snakers And Skinny Tights in Black | Mi Aventura Con La Moda

Blogger : Mi Aventura Con La Moda
Photo : Source

Hola from Madrid!!!! It’s really cold, hahaha!! I’ll be watching Andrés Sardá’s fashion show in a while. I’ll post some pics on social networks!! We’ll see how the day goes!! hahahahaha ;)

You already saw a preview from today’s outfit on Instagram (@miaventuraconlamoda) You liked it a lot!! hahaha… The truth is that I don’t feature these kind of shoes a lot!! It’s not that I’m wearing them all the time but I like them for a shopping day or a “Shopping Marathon” (the tee is so cool, right?) hahahaha!! These sneakers are very beautiful. What can I say about this parka? I love it so much, hahaha!! And even more if you mix it with mustard color. These pants are one of my last purchases at Stradivarius’ sales. Do you like the outcome?

Thanks a million!!!!!!!! Hope that you liked it ^_^ Have a nice weekend!!! See you on Monday!!!! Kisses!!!!

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