Monday, December 29, 2014

PEPA IS BACK - Knitted Cardigan Fringed with Skinny Jeans and Leather Trapeze Bag and Brown Warm Boots / Lovely Pepa

PEPA IS BACK - Knitted Cardigan Fringed with Skinny Jeans and Leather Trapeze Bag and Brown Warm Boots / Lovely Pepa

Blogger : Lovely Pepa
Photo : Source

These past few days, I was looking forward to seeing my family again, but I couldn’t wait to be reunited with Pepa too. As you know, she stayed in Vigo with very good company (you can read the reasons of this hard decision in this post if you didn’t have the chance to having a look at it a few months ago). We had a stroll around my city and we went to my favorite spot: Castrelos.

I wore my new fringed jacket from Buylevard. It’s perfect for these mild temperatures in Vigo. They’re not as cold as I remembered! Hope you like the pics!

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