Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Could Coconut Oil in My Coffee be the Key to My Weight Loss?

Could Coconut Oil in My Coffee be the Key to My Weight Loss?

However, this weekend I returned to my childhood home where my reserve wardrobe lay in wait. I slipped on a pair of old British Racing Green skinny jeans and to my surprise, they slid right off! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I remember these jeans being extremely form-fitting when I bought them a few years ago but it seems my body, along with my life, has undergone a metamorphosis since then.

I am someone who always struggled with their weight. I always had hang-ups over what I looked like and forever felt like I was packing a few extra pounds. Even my best efforts to slim down didn’t do much to change my body shape. So ultimately I gave up. I decided life was too short for diets and went on to eat what I wanted. There was one condition: whatever I ate was a conscious choice, and I cut out any crap. My basic policy was ‘if it didn’t grow in the ground or fall off a tree’ 

Blogger : Olivia Jack
Photo : Source

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