Tuesday, June 9, 2015

31 Powerful Home Remedies For Hair Growth That Work Wonders

31 Powerful Home Remedies For Hair Growth That Work Wonders

Hair health plays the deciding role in factors like styling and personality. Conditions like hair fall, damage, dandruff are few of the common hair problems faced by all. Earlier hair fall used to be a sign of ageing. The ever-rising pollution, hectic lifestyle and never-ending work stress paves way for hair fall.

There is another factor that we mostly ignore. Back in the days, women took better care of their hair. We do not have that kind of time anymore. We moved away from natural remedies to chemical treatments looking for instant results. Instant results is not the right solution for healthy hair. We have seen and understood that with time. It is time to bring back the age old solutions! Before that a small brief into the cycle of hair growth. via

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