Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Homemade Beauty Tips for Dark Circles

Dark circles mean black area around the sun which is delicate and thinner than other areas of the face. You have to take more care about dark circles. This is caused by illness lack of sleep and stress. Maximum we can see this type of problems in older people. Some time you may see this problem in the age of 20’s also. If you follow the below tips you can remove dark circles from your skin.

Homemade Beauty Tips for Dark Circles

• For good blood circulation, oxygenation and to control stress you need to do exercises and breathing exercises and sufficient sleeping also very important.

• To remove make up use cleansing gel or cream and cotton wool. You have to fallow some correct techniques while you are doing massage to your face.

• Apply the particular cream around the face. Use light creams only. You have to choose cream which has a light texture. After ten min remove the cream with moist cotton wool. Don’t leave cream during night. Don’t use normal masks around the eye.

• By washing the eyes with warm water before wash with cool water you can be relieved from eye exhaustion. This is very useful for getting better blood circulation for the eyes smoothies the skin eye around the eyes and cleansing the eyes relieves from blocking.

• After 15 min apply the cucumber juice around the eyes wash with fresh plain water. For best results daily use this pack.

• To control dark circles apply the mixer of potato juice and cucumber juice keeps it for 15-20 minutes and then wash your face.

• Mix the lemon juice with cucumber juice and apply to your face and after 20 min washes with cool water.

• Make a paste with mint leaves and gently apply this to your face to control dark circles.

Make a paste with half spoon of lemon juice and quarter spoon of turmeric powder with one spoon of gram flour and one spoon of tomato pulp and apply this smoothly on your face. After half an hour remove this pack with moist cotton pads.

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