Friday, January 16, 2015

Tweed AND Wool Combo - Equipment 'Oscar' Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater with Ripped Skinny Jeans and Leopard Flats / The Sweetest Thing

Tweed AND Wool Combo - Equipment 'Oscar' Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater with Ripped Skinny Jeans and Leopard Flats / The Sweetest Thing

Tweed AND Wool Combo - Equipment 'Oscar' Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater with Ripped Skinny Jeans and Leopard Flats / The Sweetest Thing

Blogger : The Sweetest Thing
Photo : Source

This winter has been the winter of hats & caps for me.. I can't go more than a couple of days without wearing a hat of some sort. I'm kind of obsessed w/this Sole Society baseball cap - its the perfect winter cap with the tweed/wool combo. I thought I'd share a look from this past weekend - a travel inspired look since I'm really craving a getaway (preferably somewhere with temps above 30 degrees!). 

This morning I am heading to see my hairdresser and get rid of my balayage. I have really loved it - but I couldn't wear extensions w/it very well & I kind of miss my old hair. It is always fun to try something new, but I miss being able to wear different extensions & do fun braids/hairstyles. 

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