Thursday, August 21, 2014




Go0od morning !! I'm finally online again, hahahah !! How did you like yesterday's post? From time to time I'll be posting different things like this, let's see what I figure out right? Suggestions are welcome hahaha !! Today I'm showing you yesterday's outfit; I Showed you a preview on Instagram while we where shooting it !! The truth is That I was very tired and my first thought when I 'got home was "sofa" hahaha !! But I had a good old Showed and I Decided to go for a walk and have some diner. This is skirt was waiting for when I 'got home and I wore it for the first time together With This beautiful top-crop with a bow in the back That makes it so the original . Do you like it? I chose in Original cherry heels Because the Color of the Color of the rouge on the printed doll was the same and I think the combo was great. How do you like this outfit? I, once again, want to thank you for all your visits and comments. Thanks you very much !!! Million kisses ...

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