Sunday, August 10, 2014

It’s only a matter of combination!

It’s only a matter of combination!


Hey peeps! Here’s another look I wanted to show you, honestly it’s one of my favorites. As I already told you I started an internship in a big Swiss department store called Manor. I work there in the PR & Lifestyle section and it’s so much fun! I work close with Swiss journalists, have to organize clothes for shootings and send them to the photographer and last week I also had the opportunity to play in a video for a new marketing concept! Everyday is different and so informative, sometimes it also gets very stressfull, but now (after 5 weeks of working) I’m finally got used to it!

Anyway, since the buyer offices are very close to our office I got the chance to take the newest collections to shoot them for my blog. Isn’t it cool? :D

These pants were also one of my chosen items! When my boyfriend saw them laying on my bed he was like: are you really going to wear them? they look like some tracksuit bottoms. Well, since I exactly knew how I would mix them, I was like: wait for it, I’m sure you will like it. And believe it or not after I’ve worn the whole look he had to admit, that it didn’t look that bad. So as you can see, everything is a matter of the combination. What’s your opinion about my look and about my statement?

Now I gotta go, shoot some further outfits and going to book our vacacations in Sardinia wuhu!

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