Tuesday, August 26, 2014




Hi!! Did you have a nice day yesterday? I worked half day, then I caught up with a couple things at home and in the evening we went for a walk; it was so hot!! Today when this post’s up I’ll have been working for a couple hours. Hahahaha!!

And well... as August is coming to an end, and for me it seems like summer is coming to an end too, I’m wearing all the pieces of clothing that I have left for this summer like crazy, hahahaha!! I love this dress, even though it has a lot of bulk it is different and it has these sleeves that are so on; it is so beautiful!! I love pieces of clothing like these one, how about you?  It was going to be a short walk and I opted for simple and comfy accessories; you have already seen both of them a lot hahahaha!

Hope that you liked the dress as much as I do and that you can leave a thought on it. Thank you very much for all your comments and visits!! See you tomorrow. Kisses!!

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