Tuesday, August 19, 2014




Ever since I can remember, I have struggled with homesickness.

It was just another night. I found myself in the windy city of Chicago. I was miles away from seeing my family, miles apart from the ones I loved the most. Similar to the first year of college, I was far away from home. I remember feeling afraid. Afraid of what was on the horizon, afraid of being away from what was most familiar to me and most of all, afraid  of being alone.

The first time I found a true inspiration of hope after leaving home was when I drove out to the tip of where the Alder Planatarium sits. This was fitting because my parents always told me no matter how far apart we may be, that the moon and the stars would always be the same no matter where the world may guide me. As I sat on the edge of the city, overlooking the horizon, I can distinctly recall the moment that I began to feel hope and inspiration. I felt it. Just along the lake, I knew.

A few days later I settled into college life and met a group of women who I would eventually call family. If it weren’t for these girls, I don’t think I would be sitting here writing these words to you today. They became my courage, my shoulder, my laughter and my family.

Every time I go back to Chicago, it’s like going back home. While it may not be Texas, per say, it is definitely my home away from home and I cannot be more thankful for times I’ve spent there.

I truly feel that just as I found my home away from home I also felt comfortable in finding my own personal style and freedom to express myself when I moved to Chicago. Just down the street from where I lived {with these amazing girls} rest a Nordstrom where I spent the majority of my college years shopping. When I revisit the store to this day, it brings back incredible memories and I am always able to find something truly special to add to my wardrobe.

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