Saturday, August 1, 2015

5 Ways to Quickly Get A Flat Stomach

5 Ways to Quickly Get A Flat Stomach

Sure, proper diet and exercise will help you get that damn belly fat off, but that’s oversimplified and there’s more to it than just that. Here we’ve consolidated some extremely helpful tips to get a flatter stomach from experts in the ChickRx community: 

Eat Clean: Limit Sugars & Starches
The secret to flat abs is your diet: it’s 80 percent what you eat and 20 percent exercise. Eating a clean, quality diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat proteins (in the appropriate amounts) is the best way to get better abs and a better body overall. Skip commercial snack foods like donuts, cakes, cookies, chips (even the organic ones), processed foods, high-fat salad dressings, all fried foods, and fast foods.
Kimberly Garrison, CPT, CYT, CNC (Certified Personal Trainer, YogaTeacher, Nutrition Consultant) Source

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