Monday, June 15, 2015

Here are the benefits of sleeping in the nude! Try it out tonight!

Have you tried sleeping naked? If not, we highly recommend giving it a try! It may be a little strange at first, but after a few nights of sleeping in the buff, you’ll be a changed woman! Why? Here are eight reasons!

Here are the benefits of sleeping in the nude! Try it out tonight!

You’ll feel more confident. Sleeping nude will allow you to feel more in touch with your body. You’ll enjoy the feel of the sheets and the cool air, making you feel sexier. You can bet your naked butt that sleeping naked will lead to a more confident and happy you.

It’ll keep you from being lazy. After a long day, you may come home and throw on PJs. That’s the point of no return. You won’t run any errands, certainly won’t be going to the gym or leaving the house. No PJs means no lazy pants.

It’s great for your skin: Your skin works hard while you’re asleep. Deep sleep encourages skin regeneration and if you’re suffocating it under a lot of layers, it can’t do its thing!

So what do you think? Will you sleep naked tonight?

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