Saturday, May 30, 2015

Get rid of blackheads in 15 minutes with a natural mask

You don’t need anymore those special bands for extracting blackheads because you can clean your skin with a simple homemade mask. This mask is great!! I tried it many times and I still prepare it at least two times in a month. I will definitely prepare it these days, to start the new year with my nose clean an beautiful.You need only two ingredients:

Get rid of blackheads in 15 minutes with a natural mask

Blackheads are a form of acne caused by excess sebum secretion and in combination with the skin’s bacteria and the pollution of the environment, creates these problems with an unpleasant aspect. Blackheads do not hurt, are not a serious health problem, but in terms of cosmetic, blackheads are a real chore, difficult to remove it. However, there are  simple remedies, which can reduce majority of the blackheads that appear especially on the nose.
You can also read another homemade remedies for blackheads in articles: 5 natural remedies for blackhead and Natural Remedies against Acne Scars.

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